Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wait... Windsor needs to get to the airport???

If you haven't figured out by the title already, last night at the Wrolstad residence was quite comical.

It went a little something like this:

Mom (to my Dad): "Steve, did you know that Windsor is leaving on the 31st?"
Dad: "Yeah, Ruth."
Mom: "But you'll be in Montreal."
Dad: "Yes, I'm aware of that."
Mom: "And I'll be working... it's on a Tuesday."
Dad: "I'll just call a limo to come pick her up."
Mom: "Are you kidding? It's four months!"
Dad: "Right. Think about Melissa and Gretchen. We don't see them for at least that long."
Mom: "But this is CHINA."
Dad: "Ruth, it's not a big deal. It's just another trip."
Mom: "Steve, she's going to CHINA."

I hope you found that at least a little bit as funny as I did :) The talk of the town is that my mom is gonna take a half day off to drive me to the airport. My flight takes off around noon, so that should work out. My thoughts are that my boyfriend, Bill should drive us to the airport and then my mom home. The thought of a 35 minute drive with my mother's painful tears might not sound that intriguing to Bill, but I'd rather that situation than her dangerously crying on the road alone. Maybe I'll buy him a special gift if he agrees to it?

I just found this quote online (AKA someone's facebook status):
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh

Isn't my mom the luckiest??? Haha totally kidding. I keep getting nerves about the last time I see each of my friends and those dreaded 20 minutes getting dropped off at the airport. Airport security is gonna think I'm a wreck.

Side Note: The times on these documentaries have all been in Beijing time. No, I was not up at 5am writing the last entry. The location is correct but the time zone is off. Cool.

Quick SHOUT OUT to: The 3 small circular touch lights my brother, Bjorn got me for Christmas. We both don't have any clue why he bought them for me. I promised him the MINUTE I used those things I would blog about it. We're hoping for a Beijing-wide power outage. Stay Tuned!